Swish Parents & Players Testimonials Continued (Page 2)
“Tom...thanx for putting this video together. I have seen some signicant improvement in my sons shooting ability in a very short period of time. He is 13 years old. Going through the growing pains of his bones growing faster than his muscles which makes him a little gangly and not as strong as some of the other kids. Consequently, his set point still starts at the chest level, like a lot of the younger shorter players learn to shoot. However, he is learning to use his legs for power instead of arms. I think by spring his muscles will catch up to his frame and he will be able to put the whole system to the test.
I knew this system would work. While in the service (Is it 20 years ago already?), I injured my ankle playing hoop. On the road to recovery, I would shoot using mostly leg power without a jump and release on the way up. I had to shoot with more arc to reach the basket. I found that when I returned to playing and added jumping to this technique I was hitting signicantly more with less effort. This went against the grain of what I had been doing through high school and college basketball.”
“Tom - I purchased your Swish video’s a few months back and since that time I have been working with my 9 year old son. He has been a fairly inconsistent shooter, particularly in his release (as any kid can be). We have been working on his release a few times a week, teaching Up-force and stance. Patience goes a long way (something I have had to learn). The great thing about young kids is that muscle memory comes fast and they don’t have a lot of bad habits ingrained. I have to give him a lot of credit as he worked on implementing your method even on his own, learning what works and doesn’t.
Recently he attended a basketball camp in which he placed 3rd in one shooting competition and 1st in another, this was out of 50 fourth & fifth grade boys (he will be in fourth grade next year), needless to say he was pumped, and and it was a great lesson to him on what hard work will get you. He obviously has a long way to go but is really becoming a impressive shooter. The other night we were out and he was shooting around and hardly paying attention to his shot as we talked, I counted and he made 13 out of 15 shots in a row, with near perfect release. It is really amazing to watch the growth. I greatly appreciate your videos. Thanks for the help.”
“Katy’s coach made many positive comments regarding Katy’s game, but the one that caught my eye and Katy’s was the comment made in the Shooting Category. Her coach noted that Katy had one of the nicest and smoothest shots I have ever seen. That comment made Katy’s week, and her confidence level was bumped up another notch.
Thank you and the Swish Method once again. As I said before in earlier emails , Katy and I will continue to work and reap the benefits of the Swish Method. Best regards,”
“Tom: I have Swish I and II. Your SWISH method is unbelievable. It’s like riding a bike. Once you learn the method, you never forget. I watched your video ‘SWISH 2’ again last week with my 15 year old son, Michael. We went over the steps to ‘control flight of the ball to the basket.’ His awareness of the correct method improved and so did his shooting.
Thanks again Tom. I am spreading the word. ‘Swish22.com’”
“Hello, I purchased your video about 5 weeks ago. I must say that it is hands down the best money I have ever spent. The enjoyment I have in Basketball has rocketed. I think you know why. :) … I watched your video, followed it step by step, and I practice some of the ‘drills’ every time before I play. I am shocked by how great it has changed my game.
I don’t play for any school team, to tell ya the truth I just began playing basketball two years ago. I play mainly pick-up games and various intramural leagues in the area. … It’s amazing the look on my opponents faces, when i fling a jumper high over their outstretched hands. I personally don’t even know how these things go in, they just come down and swish like i have never before.”